Playful Ground Cover

Soil_Play - Agromin

The Safest Product for Playgrounds

Agromin’s Organic Harvest Playful Ground Cover is considered the safest wood product available for playgrounds because it is made from 100% virgin wood and contains no recycled content which may include metal or toxic residues.

Playful Ground Cover is perfect for playgrounds, parks and pathways. When installed and maintained properly, Playful Ground Cover meets ADA, ASTM and CPSC playground surfacing standards and is wheelchair accessible.

Playful Ground Cover is 3/8”-2” minus elongated blunt or soft chopped ends.

Formerly, Play Fiber

General Use Instructions:

Enhance the safety and functionality of your playground or park area by applying a layer of Playful Ground Cover. Begin by clearing the designated area of any weeds, debris, or rocks larger than 2 inches in diameter. Spread the bark at desired depth per park or playground specification to optimize fall impact absorption.

Create a smooth, level layer of bark, but avoid piling directly against equipment bases or tree trunks. To maintain a safe and effective surface, replenish the bark layer annually or as needed, particularly in high-traffic areas.

Kelly the Caregiver

Kelly is an avid organic gardener and the mother of three small children. She was looking for a safe and natural surface material to add to her children’s backyard play area.  

Kelly researched several options and selected Agromin’s Organic Harvest Playful Ground Cover because it is made from 100% virgin wood chips without any chemicals or other materials added. 

Kelly spread the wood chips evenly over the play area. Her kids can now run, jump, and play with a safe and comfortable surface beneath them. Plus, Agromin’s Organic Harvest Playful Ground Cover is in line with her commitment to keeping her yard organic. 

Playful Ground Cover


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    Icons1 - Agromin
    Virgin Wood
    Icons2 - Agromin
    Science Infused
    Icons8 - Agromin
    Organic Matter
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