Ventura County Farm Day Brings Visitors to Agromin

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About 200 people visited Agromin’s processing facility in Oxnard during Ventura County Farm Day, November 3. Agromin’s Dave Green led the 45-minute tours throughout the day. Visitors viewed where trucks drop off green material, where it’s sorted and chopped and then laid out in windrows to compost. Visitors saw how the finished product (potting soil, compost and mulch) is then bagged and readied for market. All those who stopped by were able to take home a bag of our just-produced potting soil.

Thank you SEEAG for enabling Agromin to participate in this great annual event. It gives the public an opportunity to learn firsthand how the material they place in their green recycling bins each week becomes soil products that are then used by farmers, landscapers and consumers.

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